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The Sand Sifter - Messages From Heaven


Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Provincetown Bay, Massachusetts

The Sand Sifter

Has something ever appeared out of nowhere that could only have been heaven sent?

This is my story of a Sand Sifter part of my series, “Messages of Love”.

My parents surprised me in early one morning the summer I turned 18 with a phone call to say that they had purchased a yet to be developed condo on Provincetown Bay. Cape Cod was in my blood, I’m a fisherman’s daughter whose vacations centered around my father’s ability to surf cast in the most productive waters, namely Provincetown and it’s surrounding beaches. Each and every summer vacation from before I could remember was spent in Provincetown. My parent’s ability to purchase a modest condo, one building back from the bay was beyond their dreams. I was ecstatic, a place to call our own where I could hang my coffee mug and lucky fishing jacket. The many years that followed were nothing short of wonderful because of our family’s rich Italian traditions and, in my humble opinion, the most beautiful beaches north of New York, Provincetown.

Naturally I would want to share this treasure with those near and dear to me. I won’t talk about my early twenties and the condo’s self proclaimed mayor reporting to my parents back in New York of my late evenings filled with merriment. But eventually we all come of age, we settle down, begin relationships and have families. The tradition continued with my family of three children and my husband Bill. My parents were affectionately called, Mama Angie and Papa Joe and our family vacations were something to remember. My dad would take my husband out with him to pull up his lobster pots and take the kids fishing, 4-wheeling on the beach and to the local Penny Candy Store. Mama Angie cooked the lobsters to perfection always with a meal at the ready. This yearly tradition fourteen years in the making wasn’t something I was prepared to abandon the summer after Bill died.

The summer of 2002 would be the first time I would take my children to the Cape without their dad. En-route my youngest son announced he needed a sand sifter to go treasure hunting with his metal detector. I suggested we go into town later in the evening for treats and we’d buy the bag of plastic sand toys which would include a sand sifter.

The drive from Long Island to Provincetown averages about six hours, and one would think the kids would be tired, but with their grandfather’s willingness to take them fishing upon our arrival they jumped at it. With the afternoon to myself, I decided to go for a walk out into the bay while it was low tide. Beach access was fully dependent on the tides; when it was low, one could walk out half a mile, while at high tide, the beach was fully underwater. Taking the kids out to search for hermit crabs and other little creatures caught in the tidal pool was a favorite of Bill and the children. And her I was alone, the first time in eighteen years. The weight of my emotions felt like a physical pressure; I remember talking aloud to Bill, telling him how difficult it was to be without him. I walked a long distance, until the water was over my knees, turned around to head back to my towel when there, floating in front of me was a yellow sand sifter. I picked it up in disbelief, with my heart beating through my chest. How could it be? What were the chances of a single sand sifter appearing before me in this huge bay? I can only think it was a message from Bill telling me he was there with me and with his children. The rest of that day was a bit of blur, I seem to remember telling the children but they were too young to grasp the meaning of this incredible sign. Today the yellow sand sifter sits on a shelf with other precious items as it was and is a true gift.

sand sifter memory from heaven

Psychic mediums like “The Long Island Medium”, Theresa Caputo,, John Edwards,, and many others all say one thing in common , they tell us to Look for Signs From Beyond. These signs can take the form of feathers, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, objects and songs that resonate with us or hold a special meaning. Some smell the scent of their loved one’s favorite cologne or perfume. Some spirits come to us in dreams so real we can touch them and maybe we have.

Have you been touched by an Angel or have an experience to share? Message us at or comment below, we'd love to hear from you.

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