By The Mesothelioma Center (

Talking about Final Wishes
It's not always easy to talk about end-of-life wishes. People may avoid these
discussions out of fear of burdening their loved ones. Though it may be tough, it is
critical to be upfront with your family about your end-of-life desires so that you can live
your final years in peace.
If you have a terminal condition like mesothelioma (find more information about
mesothelioma here:, it is critical that you and
your loved ones write down your wishes.
Important End of Life Documents
We understand how difficult this time must be, but you must always remember you are
never alone. The Mesothelioma Center offers a guide to assist you with your end-of-life
documents checklist.
End-of-life planning should not be regarded as a taboo subject. If you've been
diagnosed with a terminal illness and are undergoing treatment, making plans ahead of
time can make your family feel more at ease. The sooner you begin planning, the more
confident you and your family will be in making the best decisions possible.
Setting up a Memorial Service
For assistance setting up end-of-life plans regarding your memorial, Teraloom can help
you find the service that meets your final wishes. Ash scattering, burial at sea, and tree
memorials are affordable and beautiful ways to honor one’s life in nature. If you are
seeking a sea memorial ceremony, ash scattering on land, or another type of
destination memorial service - Teraloom has a network of captains, guides, and
celebrants all across the country who can help you create the perfect personalized